Parish Safeguarding Officers

Thank you so much for taking on the important role of Parish Safeguarding Officer for your Parish / Benefice.

The role of the Parish Safeguarding Officer 

The Parish Safeguarding Officer is the key link between the diocese and the parish/s, concerning safeguarding matters. The PSO will have an overview of all church activities involving children, young people and vulnerable adults and will seek to ensure the implementation of safeguarding policy. The role can be taken by one person or the role shared, for example with one person covering children the other vulnerable adults.​​

The Parish Safeguarding Officer is a key leadership position in relation to safeguarding – but they are not solely responsible for safeguarding in their parish. To this end their role is about positively shaping the culture of safeguarding in the parish together with other leaders. ​

Training for PSOs 

 The safeguarding training requirements are explained in the Learning and Development Framework – which can be found here: Safeguarding Learning and Development Framework | The Church of England

PSOs are required to complete: 

  • Basic Awareness 
  • Foundation 
  • Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse 
  • If you are in a position involving the appointment of church officers, employees or volunteers, then Safer Recruitment & People Management module also 

All of these courses are accessed via the national training portal – Home | Safeguarding: Training Portal (

The final two training modules that PSOs are required to complete are delivered locally by us, your Diocesan Safeguarding Team. These modules are the PSO Induction Pathway and the Leadership Pathway;  

Further details about these courses and how to book on can be found on the training page of our website: Safeguarding Training – Diocese of Norwich

 If you have completed the Basic Awareness and Foundation pathways after February 2021, then you do not need to update these. If you completed these pathways before February 2021 then you will need to update your training by following the link to the training portal above.  

The Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse and Leadership modules need to be updated every 3 years.  

If you need any support with regards to any of the above, do please contact our Diocesan Safeguarding Trainer – Helen Norris – and she will be glad to help you.