Safeguarding Training

A healthy Christian community is one which ensures and nurtures the wellbeing of all, and the Diocese of Norwich continues to work toward ensuring a church which is safer for everyone. Safeguarding therefore, needs to be embedded in all aspects of the life and ministry of the Church in order to ensure that the culture of safeguarding is integral throughout all of our church communities.

Active engagement with safeguarding training is instrumental in shaping the culture, and in supporting all those who have a role within the Church to effectively recognise and respond to possible situations of abuse, as well as implement best safeguarding practice. The facilitation and delivery of safeguarding training and development within the Diocese of Norwich is seen in this context.

The Church of England’s Safeguarding Learning and Development Framework (hyperlink) was significantly revised and updated in April 2021, and is again being updated in 2024. This document provides the framework for safeguarding learning and development across all Church of England communities. This also sets out the core safeguarding learning pathway training modules which are a mandatory requirement determined for individual and particular church roles and responsibilities. 

Accessing online training modules

A number of the safeguarding modules are accessed via the Church of England’s National Safeguarding Team’s training portal which can be found here:

To access the training you will need to create a new free User Account (look for ‘create a new account’ below the Church of England logo on the left of the screen) 

Safeguarding pathways such as these, which are often done by one person working on their own, can trigger painful memories. It is okay to pause the pathway until it feels comfortable to start again.

Online training: 

Further optional online training:

Training Delivered by the Diocesan Safeguarding Team

Our Diocesan Safeguarding Team are here to facilitate and support you with your safeguarding training. We deliver the pathways detailed below via Zoom; using the resources provided by the National Safeguarding Team.