Salvation Army calls for aid

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Centuries after slavery was officially abolished, thousands of people are still being exploited and sold as slaves across the UK. They can be forced to work in the sex trade, used as domestic slaves, exploited for labour or criminal activity, or have their organs removed to be sold. Victims trafficked into the UK often are often unable to speak English, have their travel and identity documents removed, and are told that if they try to attempt an escape, they or their families will be harmed.

The Salvation Army offer safe accomodations to individuals if it is decided that they are a potential victim. They are in the process of making a plan to provide support for every safe house under the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) if there is a need to isolate/lock it down due to a resident developing COVID-19 symptoms. In such circumstances, arrangements need to be made to provide food to the residents as the houses do not carry supplies of stockpiled food.

In addition there may be a need for drivers to transport potential victims applying to enter the NRM. The reason for this is that many of the Salvation Army’s volunteers are in the vulnerable age bracket and are self isolating.

Food can be sourced by anyone who is able to get to the shops, but only those with C3 safeguarding training will be able to make a delivery to the safe house.

If you feel able to help – please email