Cost of living: School uniform bank launched at St Mark’s Church in Oulton Broad

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New and pre-loved items are being sought for the uniform bank along with volunteers to help out as the service grows. The Lowestoft Uniform Bank is a non profit organisation which is being supported by three churches in the Oulton Broad benefice, St Mark’s, St Luke’s and St Michael’s. There are donation bins for uniform and shoes with three collection points at the churches.

The funding is coming from Lowestoft Rising, working with East Suffolk Council on a range of projects to help people during the cost of living crisis.

Revd Helen Jary, Rector for the Oulton Broad Team Ministry said;

“They were looking for a base for the uniform bank for the town and it was a good fit with our churches as we have a number of schools in our benefice as well as storage space and good car parking.”

Georgi Warren, children and families worker for Oulton Broad Team Ministry, said;

“We formed a partnership with Morrisons in Pakefield. The response has been phenomenal from the town and how they have supported us.”

The Lowestoft Uniform Bank opened just before the start of term and has already helped over 50 families.  Families are encouraged to make a request for uniform, and an appointment, by visiting the Facebook page or emailing for further details.

(Image courtesy of The Lowestoft Journal)