Soul Shaper November 2024

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Twenty-six young people gathered at the Horstead Centre in Norfolk to learn more about the Christian faith and to spend time together having fun.

Matt Beckett is the Children, Youth and Families Adviser for the Diocese of Norwich and wrote this review of the Soul Shaper weekend.

“When 26 young people gather at the Horstead Centre I guess you should expect a weekend devoid of sleep. Yes, you should, but you should also expect a weekend packed with fun, faith and adventure.

From their arrival on the Friday night the excitement was palpable! We headed outside for our first foray into our identity theme around the bonfire, which included games of glowstick Pictionary (who were they trying to represent in these pictures!?) and melted marshmallow s’mores.

Saturday is activity day! Climbing, canoeing and archery saw young people challenging themselves and excelling. During the afternoon we had different activities allowing everyone to choose the way they felt best to engage with their faith, at a level that worked for them. That evening, we handed over to the Established young leaders to lead our evening worship in Horstead All Saints Church. Seeing young people leading young people in worship, word and fun was truly inspirational.

On our final morning together, we thought about how we live our lives of faith when we return to home, school or work. And of course there was laser tag, board games, snacks and the obligatory game of hide and seek around the house! It was a great weekend and, as always, the young people were the stars of the show. Whether they were the established young leaders supporting their peers and helping us to run the weekend or the young people who came and threw themselves into the weekend so joyfully!

One of our highlights was the sound emanating from our prayer room on our first night. As our last act of the evening together, everyone was invited to join us in the prayer room before heading to bed. We anticipated that many would choose to go and get ready for bed, but instead the room was overflowing, and the sound of singing filled the house. It was a very touching and genuine moment of worship from those who gathered.

We’re already looking forward to next year, so get the 14th-16th November in your young person’s diary and if you think members of your youth group or family would like to explore our Established young leaders training and help us form next years event, get in touch!

If you would like to find out more about SoulShaper or to contact the Children, Youth and Families team, please get in touch here: Children, Youth and Families Team – Diocese of Norwich