St Augustines medieval fair a success!

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“When the Churches conservation trust asked our permission to use the churchyard for a medieval re-enactment group (NANMA) during a heritage weekend, we were delighted and decided to enter into the spirit of the event.

“The medieval church of St Augustine’s belongs to the trust and we the congregation, meet in the hall behind the church.

“It was a wonderful weekend, Revd Graham Kirk-Spriggs our new vicar, got right into the role of a medieval priest on both days and was out chatting to people and displaying the use of an incense burning Thurible. He and Martin, one of our musicians, organised a simple medieval-style Eucharist service with plainsong psalm and responses. It was attended by members of the congregation a couple of the re-enactors, and a couple of other visitors. After the service we processed, singing from the hall into the medieval church.

“There were costumes available both days to dress children, and a few adults, in medieval costumes.

“Our Church hall became ‘Ye old Mulberry kitchen’ and the place for many great conversations.  We served bacon and bean pottage, vegan bean pottage, and a frumenti (like a milk pudding with bulgar wheat.)

“We served ploughman’s trenchers with gammon, cheese, or hummus on wooden trenchers (made for us by the Matthew project) and a mulberry leaf from our very own mulberry tree.  We made our own mulberry leaf nettle and mint tea which was a great success! Less medieval teas and coffees were also served.

“We covered all costs and were able to give £161.80 profit to the Churches Conservation Trust and also have enough food left over to do a medieval after church lunch on a Sunday in the future.

“The re-enactment group loved being in the churchyard and really looked as if they belonged!”