Statistics for Mission: How can counting help churches?

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Written by Becca Devlin, data analyst for the Diocese of Norwich.

As an integral part of my Christian belief, I believe that every person in our Diocese is deeply loved and treasured by Jesus, who stands at the door and knocks (Revelation 3:20), longing to connect with and develop relationship with each of us.

The Church of England is unique, as our clergy take the cure of souls for every Parish in the Diocese. Not just places with a post office, pub and a population in the thousands, but every Parish. Its not about numbers, its not about statistics, its about people, because people count to Jesus.

People count, that’s why we count people.

Hundreds of volunteers, Churchwardens, Licensed Lay Readers, Treasures, PPC Members and many more sacrificially serve across the Diocese to make church happen every week, and thousands more join with them to worship and draw near to Christ.

When we count people, we can see how all our efforts have partnered with the holy spirit, and we can see what season our church is in. Sometimes that is a season of plenty, sometimes that’s a season of sabbath rest. Seeing our seasonal trends can be an encouragement but it can also be challenging.

During those times of Sabbath, we prepare the ground for Jesus in the next season, in the prophetic hope that in the future when Jesus drenches the ploughed fields, we will look back and be encouraged (Psalm 65, MSG).

When we know what season we are in, and what direction the wind of the holy spirit blows, we can come together to strategically trim the sales and partner with him.

Every October, an effort begins to gather and discern the story of each church through Statistics for Mission. An annual process that the Church of England has been participating in for decades.

Statistics for Mission can be completed online through the parish returns system, you can login via our website here: Parish Returns Online. The online form closes on the 31st of January.

I’d like to take the opportunity to invite your church to get involved, check with your church officers if you can help, and to thank those who are already journeying with us in making every person and every church count in our diocese.

On Wednesday 6th November, Dr Ken Eames from Church of England Data Services hosted a webinar for church officers to explore statistics for mission and how it can be useful for churches. You can watch the recording via the link here: How to complete your Stats for Mission form and why it matters – Church Support Hub

If you have any questions or issues in completing the statistics for mission, please contact me, Becca

We’re unable to share data with press.

I was delighted that in July of this year, Bishop Ian was able to share with BBC Radio Norfolk, that churchgoing in our diocese had risen for the third year running. That was only possible because of those individuals that had shared their news with us through statistics for mission.

I look forward to sharing the good news again in 2025, but can only do that with your help.

Wishing you all a Very Happy New Year!
