Eco Church rep, Sarah Toothill explains how the journey has gone so far.
“I cant remember exactly how we started, but I became aware of Eco Church and looked into it. It seemed a good thing to do and it developed from there.
“The PCC have been supportive and there’s a small group of three who take the lead. We started by registering to be an Eco Church and our vicar, Rosie and I completed the survey. That gave us some ideas.
“We were given a large compost bin which means that spent flowers and coffee and tea waste can be composted and we have dispensed with the council brown bin. This was the first and easiest change. We are gradually changing to eco cleaning products.
“A challenging area is florist foam for our flower arrangements. I have started to use wool blocks when I do arrangements but it is not easy to use and is expensive. Although it would be very eco friendly to stop using foam it needs an easy to use alternative for it to be a viable alternative.
“We are working with Trowse Parish Council on a churchyard grass cutting regime to create a wild flower section. We are hoping to build relationships with the local school to work together on eco projects.
Priest-in-Charge, the Revd Rosemary Braby says, “As Christians, we have a duty to care for God’s wonderful Creation and I’m delighted that our church has managed to achieve our bronze eco church award. I feel inspired and enthusiastic to try for the silver next!
“Watching David Attenborough’s new TV series ‘Wild Isles’ really brings home the importance and urgency of adopting behaviours aimed at stopping the decline in wildlife and benefitting nature. Looked at globally, the task seems very daunting but it’s important to identify whatever steps we can take as individuals and as a church, and have confidence that we can make a difference.”
One of the Eco Church team members said: “The great thing about Eco Church is that it is giving us the skills and encouragement to take full advantage of the beautiful riverside location of our churchyard in order to turn it into a place of welcome for wildlife. And we hope that by example it will encourage others to take up the baton in their own churchyards or gardens.”